window.Modernizr = (function(t, e, i) { var z = '2.7.1', n = {}, b = !0, l = e.documentElement, a = 'modernizr', I = e.createElement(a), c =, r = e.createElement('input'), w = ':)', O = {}.toString, y = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '), P = 'Webkit Moz O ms', M = P.split(' '), D = P.toLowerCase().split(' '), m = { 'svg': '' }, o = {}, k = {}, v = {}, x = [], S = x.slice, h, u = function(t, i, o, n) { var p, u, c, f, r = e.createElement('div'), d = e.body, s = d || e.createElement('body'); if (parseInt(o, 10)) { while (o--) { c = e.createElement('div'); = n ? n[o] : a + (o + 1); r.appendChild(c) } }; p = ['­', ''].join(''); = a; (d ? r : s).innerHTML += p; s.appendChild(r); if (!d) { = ''; = 'hidden'; f =; = 'hidden'; l.appendChild(s) }; u = i(r, t); if (!d) { s.parentNode.removeChild(s); = f } else { r.parentNode.removeChild(r) }; return !!u }, H = function(e) { var i = t.matchMedia || t.msMatchMedia; if (i) { return i(e).matches }; var o; u('@media ' + e + ' { #' + a + ' { position: absolute; } }', function(e) { o = (t.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(e, null) : e.currentStyle)['position'] == 'absolute' }); return o }, A = (function() { var o = { 'select': 'input', 'change': 'input', 'submit': 'form', 'reset': 'form', 'error': 'img', 'load': 'img', 'abort': 'img' }; function t(t, n) { n = n || e.createElement(o[t] || 'div'); t = 'on' + t; var s = t in n; if (!s) { if (!n.setAttribute) { n = e.createElement('div') }; if (n.setAttribute && n.removeAttribute) { n.setAttribute(t, ''); s = d(n[t], 'function'); if (!d(n[t], 'undefined')) { n[t] = i }; n.removeAttribute(t) } }; n = null; return s }; return t })(), C = ({}).hasOwnProperty, g; if (!d(C, 'undefined') && !d(, 'undefined')) { g = function(t, e) { return, e) } } else { g = function(t, e) { return ((e in t) && d(t.constructor.prototype[e], 'undefined')) } }; if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function(t) { var e = this; if (typeof e != 'function') { throw new TypeError() }; var o =, 1), i = function() { if (this instanceof i) { var s = function() {}; s.prototype = e.prototype; var r = new s(), n = e.apply(r, o.concat(; if (Object(n) === n) { return n }; return r } else { return e.apply(t, o.concat( } }; return i } }; function p(t) { c.cssText = t }; function W(t, e) { return p(y.join(t + ';') + (e || '')) }; function d(t, e) { return typeof t === e }; function f(t, e) { return !!~('' + t).indexOf(e) }; function E(t, e) { for (var n in t) { var o = t[n]; if (!f(o, '-') && c[o] !== i) { return e == 'pfx' ? o : !0 } }; return !1 }; function L(t, e, o) { for (var s in t) { var n = e[t[s]]; if (n !== i) { if (o === !1) return t[s]; if (d(n, 'function')) { return n.bind(o || e) }; return n } }; return !1 }; function s(t, e, i) { var o = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), n = (t + ' ' + M.join(o + ' ') + o).split(' '); if (d(e, 'string') || d(e, 'undefined')) { return E(n, e) } else { n = (t + ' ' + (D).join(o + ' ') + o).split(' '); return L(n, e, i) } }; o.flexbox = function() { return s('flexWrap') }; o.flexboxlegacy = function() { return s('boxDirection') }; o.canvas = function() { var t = e.createElement('canvas'); return !!(t.getContext && t.getContext('2d')) }; o.canvastext = function() { return !!(n.canvas && d(e.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText, 'function')) }; o.webgl = function() { return !!t.WebGLRenderingContext }; o.touch = function() { var i; if (('ontouchstart' in t) || t.DocumentTouch && e instanceof DocumentTouch) { i = !0 } else { u(['@media (', y.join('touch-enabled),('), a, ')', '{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}'].join(''), function(t) { i = t.offsetTop === 9 }) }; return i }; o.geolocation = function() { return 'geolocation' in navigator }; o.postmessage = function() { return !!t.postMessage }; o.websqldatabase = function() { return !!t.openDatabase }; o.indexedDB = function() { return !!s('indexedDB', t) }; o.hashchange = function() { return A('hashchange', t) && (e.documentMode === i || e.documentMode > 7) }; o.history = function() { return !!(t.history && history.pushState) }; o.draganddrop = function() { var t = e.createElement('div'); return ('draggable' in t) || ('ondragstart' in t && 'ondrop' in t) }; o.websockets = function() { return 'WebSocket' in t || 'MozWebSocket' in t }; o.rgba = function() { p('background-color:rgba(150,255,150,.5)'); return f(c.backgroundColor, 'rgba') }; o.hsla = function() { p('background-color:hsla(120,40%,100%,.5)'); return f(c.backgroundColor, 'rgba') || f(c.backgroundColor, 'hsla') }; o.multiplebgs = function() { p('background:url(https://),url(https://),red url(https://)'); return (/(url\s*\(.*?){3}/).test(c.background) }; o.backgroundsize = function() { return s('backgroundSize') }; o.borderimage = function() { return s('borderImage') }; o.borderradius = function() { return s('borderRadius') }; o.boxshadow = function() { return s('boxShadow') }; o.textshadow = function() { return e.createElement('div').style.textShadow === '' }; o.opacity = function() { W('opacity:.55'); return (/^0.55$/).test(c.opacity) }; o.cssanimations = function() { return s('animationName') }; o.csscolumns = function() { return s('columnCount') }; o.cssgradients = function() { var t = 'background-image:', i = 'gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));', e = 'linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);'; p((t + '-webkit- '.split(' ').join(i + t) + y.join(e + t)).slice(0, -t.length)); return f(c.backgroundImage, 'gradient') }; o.cssreflections = function() { return s('boxReflect') }; o.csstransforms = function() { return !!s('transform') }; o.csstransforms3d = function() { var t = !!s('perspective'); if (t && 'webkitPerspective' in { u('@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}', function(e, i) { t = e.offsetLeft === 9 && e.offsetHeight === 3 }) }; return t }; o.csstransitions = function() { return s('transition') }; o.fontface = function() { var t; u('@font-face {font-family:"font";src:url("https://")}', function(i, o) { var r = e.getElementById('smodernizr'), n = r.sheet || r.styleSheet, s = n ? (n.cssRules && n.cssRules[0] ? n.cssRules[0].cssText : n.cssText || '') : ''; t = /src/i.test(s) && s.indexOf(o.split(' ')[0]) === 0 }); return t }; o.generatedcontent = function() { var t; u(['#', a, '{font:0/0 a}#', a, ':after{content:"', w, '";visibility:hidden;font:3px/1 a}'].join(''), function(e) { t = e.offsetHeight >= 3 }); return t }; = function() { var o = e.createElement('video'), i = !1; try { if (i = !!o.canPlayType) { i = new Boolean(i); i.ogg = o.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"').replace(/^no$/, ''); i.h264 = o.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"').replace(/^no$/, ''); i.webm = o.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, '') } } catch (t) {}; return i }; = function() { var o = e.createElement('audio'), i = !1; try { if (i = !!o.canPlayType) { i = new Boolean(i); i.ogg = o.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, ''); i.mp3 = o.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;').replace(/^no$/, ''); i.wav = o.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"').replace(/^no$/, ''); i.m4a = (o.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;') || o.canPlayType('audio/aac;')).replace(/^no$/, '') } } catch (t) {}; return i }; o.localstorage = function() { try { localStorage.setItem(a, a); localStorage.removeItem(a); return !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }; o.sessionstorage = function() { try { sessionStorage.setItem(a, a); sessionStorage.removeItem(a); return !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }; o.webworkers = function() { return !!t.Worker }; o.applicationcache = function() { return !!t.applicationCache }; o.svg = function() { return !!e.createElementNS && !!e.createElementNS(m.svg, 'svg').createSVGRect }; o.inlinesvg = function() { var t = e.createElement('div'); t.innerHTML = ''; return (t.firstChild && t.firstChild.namespaceURI) == m.svg }; o.smil = function() { return !!e.createElementNS && /SVGAnimate/.test(, 'animate'))) }; o.svgclippaths = function() { return !!e.createElementNS && /SVGClipPath/.test(, 'clipPath'))) }; function B() { n.input = (function(i) { for (var o = 0, n = i.length; o < n; o++) { v[i[o]] = !!(i[o] in r) }; if (v.list) { v.list = !!(e.createElement('datalist') && t.HTMLDataListElement) }; return v })('autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step'.split(' ')); n.inputtypes = (function(t) { for (var n = 0, o, s, a, d = t.length; n < d; n++) { r.setAttribute('type', s = t[n]); o = r.type !== 'text'; if (o) { r.value = w; = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'; if (/^range$/.test(s) && !== i) { l.appendChild(r); a = e.defaultView; o = a.getComputedStyle && a.getComputedStyle(r, null).WebkitAppearance !== 'textfield' && (r.offsetHeight !== 0); l.removeChild(r) } else if (/^(search|tel)$/.test(s)) {} else if (/^(url|email)$/.test(s)) { o = r.checkValidity && r.checkValidity() === !1 } else { o = r.value != w } }; k[t[n]] = !!o }; return k })('search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color'.split(' ')) }; for (var T in o) { if (g(o, T)) { h = T.toLowerCase(); n[h] = o[T](); x.push((n[h] ? '' : 'no-') + h) } }; n.input || B(); n.addTest = function(t, e) { if (typeof t == 'object') { for (var o in t) { if (g(t, o)) { n.addTest(o, t[o]) } } } else { t = t.toLowerCase(); if (n[t] !== i) { return n }; e = typeof e == 'function' ? e() : e; if (typeof b !== 'undefined' && b) { l.className += ' ' + (e ? '' : 'no-') + t }; n[t] = e }; return n }; p(''); I = r = null; (function(t, e) { var v = '3.7.0', r = t.html5 || {}; var h = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i, m = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i, s, p = '_html5shiv', a = 0, u = {}; var i; (function() { try { var o = e.createElement('a'); o.innerHTML = ''; s = ('hidden' in o); i = o.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() { (e.createElement)('a'); var t = e.createDocumentFragment(); return (typeof t.cloneNode == 'undefined' || typeof t.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' || typeof t.createElement == 'undefined') }()) } catch (t) { s = !0; i = !0 } }()); function y(t, e) { var o = t.createElement('p'), i = t.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || t.documentElement; o.innerHTML = 'x'; return i.insertBefore(o.lastChild, i.firstChild) }; function l() { var t = o.elements; return typeof t == 'string' ? t.split(' ') : t }; function n(t) { var e = u[t[p]]; if (!e) { e = {}; a++; t[p] = a; u[a] = e }; return e }; function d(t, o, s) { if (!o) { o = e }; if (i) { return o.createElement(t) }; if (!s) { s = n(o) }; var r; if (s.cache[t]) { r = s.cache[t].cloneNode() } else if (m.test(t)) { r = (s.cache[t] = s.createElem(t)).cloneNode() } else { r = s.createElem(t) }; return r.canHaveChildren && !h.test(t) && !r.tagUrn ? s.frag.appendChild(r) : r }; function g(t, o) { if (!t) { t = e }; if (i) { return t.createDocumentFragment() }; o = o || n(t); var a = o.frag.cloneNode(), s = 0, r = l(), d = r.length; for (; s < d; s++) { a.createElement(r[s]) }; return a }; function f(t, e) { if (!e.cache) { e.cache = {}; e.createElem = t.createElement; e.createFrag = t.createDocumentFragment; e.frag = e.createFrag() }; t.createElement = function(i) { if (!o.shivMethods) { return e.createElem(i) }; return d(i, t, e) }; t.createDocumentFragment = Function('h,f', 'return function(){var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;h.shivMethods&&(' + l().join().replace(/[\w\-]+/g, function(t) { e.createElem(t); e.frag.createElement(t); return 'c("' + t + '")' }) + ');return n}')(o, e.frag) }; function c(t) { if (!t) { t = e }; var r = n(t); if (o.shivCSS && !s && !r.hasCSS) { r.hasCSS = !!y(t, 'article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}template{display:none}') }; if (!i) { f(t, r) }; return t }; var o = { 'elements': r.elements || 'abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output progress section summary template time video', 'version': v, 'shivCSS': (r.shivCSS !== !1), 'supportsUnknownElements': i, 'shivMethods': (r.shivMethods !== !1), 'type': 'default', 'shivDocument': c, createElement: d, createDocumentFragment: g }; t.html5 = o; c(e) }(this, e)); n.wt$ = z;$ = y; n.vt$ = D;$ = M; = H; n.hasEvent = A; n.testProp = function(t) { return E([t]) }; n.testAllProps = s; n.testStyles = u; n.prefixed = function(t, e, i) { if (!e) { return s(t, 'pfx') } else { return s(t, e, i) } }; l.className = l.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, '$1$2') + (b ? ' js ' + x.join(' ') : ''); return n })(this, this.document); if ('undefined' == typeof jQuery) throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery'); + function(t) { 'use strict'; var e = t.fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.'); if (e[0] < 2 && e[1] < 9 || 1 == e[0] && 9 == e[1] && e[2] < 1 || e[0] > 3) throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4') }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function e() { var i = document.createElement('bootstrap'), e = { WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', MozTransition: 'transitionend', OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend', transition: 'transitionend' }; for (var t in e) if (void 0 !==[t]) return { end: e[t] }; return !1 }; t.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function(e) { var i = !1, o = this; t(this).one('bsTransitionEnd', function() { i = !0 }); var n = function() { i || t(o).trigger( }; return setTimeout(n, e), this }, t(function() { = e(), && (t.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = { bindType:, delegateType:, handle: function(e) { if (t( return e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) } }) }) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function o(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.alert'); o ||'bs.alert', o = new e(this)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i].call(n) }) }; var i = '[data-dismiss="alert"]', e = function(e) { t(e).on('click', i, this.close) }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, e.prototype.close = function(i) { function r() { o.detach().trigger('').remove() }; var s = t(this), n = s.attr('data-target'); n || (n = s.attr('href'), n = n && n.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '')); var o = t('#' === n ? [] : n); i && i.preventDefault(), o.length || (o = s.closest('.alert')), o.trigger(i = t.Event('')), i.isDefaultPrevented() || (o.removeClass('in'), && o.hasClass('fade') ?'bsTransitionEnd', r).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION) : r()) }; var n = t.fn.alert; t.fn.alert = o, t.fn.alert.Constructor = e, t.fn.alert.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.alert = n, this }, t(document).on('', i, e.prototype.close) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function i(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.button'), s = 'object' == typeof i && i; o ||'bs.button', o = new e(this, s)), 'toggle' == i ? o.toggle() : i && o.setState(i) }) }; var e = function(i, o) { this.t$ = t(i), this.options = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS, o), this.isLoading = !1 }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.DEFAULTS = { loadingText: 'loading...' }, e.prototype.setState = function(e) { var o = 'disabled', i = this.t$, s ='input') ? 'val' : 'html', n =; e += 'Text', null == n.resetText &&'resetText', i[s]()), setTimeout(t.proxy(function() { i[s](null == n[e] ? this.options[e] : n[e]), 'loadingText' == e ? (this.isLoading = !0, i.addClass(o).attr(o, o).prop(o, !0)) : this.isLoading && (this.isLoading = !1, i.removeClass(o).removeAttr(o).prop(o, !1)) }, this), 0) }, e.prototype.toggle = function() { var e = !0, i = this.t$.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]'); if (i.length) { var t = this.t$.find('input'); 'radio' == t.prop('type') ? (t.prop('checked') && (e = !1), i.find('.active').removeClass('active'), this.t$.addClass('active')) : 'checkbox' == t.prop('type') && (t.prop('checked') !== this.t$.hasClass('active') && (e = !1), this.t$.toggleClass('active')), t.prop('checked', this.t$.hasClass('active')), e && t.trigger('change') } else this.t$.attr('aria-pressed', !this.t$.hasClass('active')), this.t$.toggleClass('active') }; var o = t.fn.button; t.fn.button = i, t.fn.button.Constructor = e, t.fn.button.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.button = o, this }, t(document).on('', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function(e) { var o = t('.btn');, 'toggle'), t('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]') || (e.preventDefault(),'input,button') ? o.trigger('focus') : o.find('input:visible,button:visible').first().trigger('focus')) }).on('', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function(e) { t('.btn').toggleClass('focus', /^focus(in)?$/.test(e.type)) }) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function i(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.carousel'), s = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS,, 'object' == typeof i && i), r = 'string' == typeof i ? i : s.slide; o ||'bs.carousel', o = new e(this, s)), 'number' == typeof i ? : r ? o[r]() : s.interval && o.pause().cycle() }) }; var e = function(e, i) { this.t$ = t(e), this.I$ = this.t$.find('.carousel-indicators'), this.options = i, this.paused = null, this.sliding = null, this.interval = null, this.X$ = null, this.h$ = null, this.options.keyboard && this.t$.on('', t.proxy(this.keydown, this)), 'hover' == this.options.pause && !('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) && this.t$.on('', t.proxy(this.pause, this)).on('', t.proxy(this.cycle, this)) }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.TRANSITION_DURATION = 600, e.DEFAULTS = { interval: 5e3, pause: 'hover', wrap: !0, keyboard: !0 }, e.prototype.keydown = function(t) { if (!/input|textarea/i.test( { switch (t.which) { case 37: this.prev(); break; case 39:; break; default: return }; t.preventDefault() } }, e.prototype.cycle = function(e) { return e || (this.paused = !1), this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval), this.options.interval && !this.paused && (this.interval = setInterval(t.proxy(, this), this.options.interval)), this }, e.prototype.getItemIndex = function(t) { return this.h$ = t.parent().children('.item'), this.h$.index(t || this.X$) }, e.prototype.getItemForDirection = function(t, e) { var i = this.getItemIndex(e), o = 'prev' == t && 0 === i || 'next' == t && i == this.h$.length - 1; if (o && !this.options.wrap) return e; var n = 'prev' == t ? -1 : 1, s = (i + n) % this.h$.length; return this.h$.eq(s) }, = function(t) { var i = this, e = this.getItemIndex(this.X$ = this.t$.find('')); if (!(t > this.h$.length - 1 || t < 0)) return this.sliding ? this.t$.one('', function() { }) : e == t ? this.pause().cycle() : this.slide(t > e ? 'next' : 'prev', this.h$.eq(t)) }, e.prototype.pause = function(e) { return e || (this.paused = !0), this.t$.find('.next, .prev').length && && (this.t$.trigger(, this.cycle(!0)), this.interval = clearInterval(this.interval), this }, = function() { if (!this.sliding) return this.slide('next') }, e.prototype.prev = function() { if (!this.sliding) return this.slide('prev') }, e.prototype.slide = function(i, o) { var r = this.t$.find(''), n = o || this.getItemForDirection(i, r), l = this.interval, s = 'next' == i ? 'left' : 'right', a = this; if (n.hasClass('active')) return this.sliding = !1; var p = n[0], d = t.Event('', { relatedTarget: p, direction: s }); if (this.t$.trigger(d), !d.isDefaultPrevented()) { if (this.sliding = !0, l && this.pause(), this.I$.length) { this.I$.find('.active').removeClass('active'); var u = t(this.I$.children()[this.getItemIndex(n)]); u && u.addClass('active') }; var c = t.Event('', { relatedTarget: p, direction: s }); return && this.t$.hasClass('slide') ? (n.addClass(i), n[0].offsetWidth, r.addClass(s), n.addClass(s),'bsTransitionEnd', function() { n.removeClass([i, s].join(' ')).addClass('active'), r.removeClass(['active', s].join(' ')), a.sliding = !1, setTimeout(function() { a.t$.trigger(c) }, 0) }).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION)) : (r.removeClass('active'), n.addClass('active'), this.sliding = !1, this.t$.trigger(c)), l && this.cycle(), this } }; var n = t.fn.carousel; t.fn.carousel = i, t.fn.carousel.Constructor = e, t.fn.carousel.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.carousel = n, this }; var o = function(e) { var a, n = t(this), o = t(n.attr('data-target') || (a = n.attr('href')) && a.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')); if (o.hasClass('carousel')) { var r = t.extend({},,, s = n.attr('data-slide-to'); s && (r.interval = !1),, r), s &&'bs.carousel').to(s), e.preventDefault() } }; t(document).on('', '[data-slide]', o).on('', '[data-slide-to]', o), t(window).on('load', function() { t('[data-ride="carousel"]').each(function() { var e = t(this);, }) }) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function o(e) { var i, o = e.attr('data-target') || (i = e.attr('href')) && i.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''); return t(o) }; function i(i) { return this.each(function() { var s = t(this), o ='bs.collapse'), n = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS,, 'object' == typeof i && i); !o && n.toggle && /show|hide/.test(i) && (n.toggle = !1), o ||'bs.collapse', o = new e(this, n)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i]() }) }; var e = function(i, o) { this.t$ = t(i), this.options = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS, o), this.E$ = t('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + + '"],[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + + '"]'), this.transitioning = null, this.options.parent ? this.V$ = this.getParent() : this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.t$, this.E$), this.options.toggle && this.toggle() }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.TRANSITION_DURATION = 350, e.DEFAULTS = { toggle: !0 }, e.prototype.dimension = function() { var t = this.t$.hasClass('width'); return t ? 'width' : 'height' }, = function() { if (!this.transitioning && !this.t$.hasClass('in')) { var n, o = this.V$ && this.V$.children('.panel').children('.in, .collapsing'); if (!(o && o.length && (n ='bs.collapse'), n && n.transitioning))) { var r = t.Event(''); if (this.t$.trigger(r), !r.isDefaultPrevented()) { o && o.length && (, 'hide'), n ||'bs.collapse', null)); var s = this.dimension(); this.t$.removeClass('collapse').addClass('collapsing')[s](0).attr('aria-expanded', !0), this.E$.removeClass('collapsed').attr('aria-expanded', !0), this.transitioning = 1; var a = function() { this.t$.removeClass('collapsing').addClass('collapse in')[s](''), this.transitioning = 0, this.t$.trigger('') }; if (! return; var l = t.camelCase(['scroll', s].join('-')); this.t$.one('bsTransitionEnd', t.proxy(a, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION)[s](this.t$[0][l]) } } } }, e.prototype.hide = function() { if (!this.transitioning && this.t$.hasClass('in')) { var o = t.Event(''); if (this.t$.trigger(o), !o.isDefaultPrevented()) { var i = this.dimension(); this.t$[i](this.t$[i]())[0].offsetHeight, this.t$.addClass('collapsing').removeClass('collapse in').attr('aria-expanded', !1), this.E$.addClass('collapsed').attr('aria-expanded', !1), this.transitioning = 1; var n = function() { this.transitioning = 0, this.t$.removeClass('collapsing').addClass('collapse').trigger('') }; return ? void this.t$[i](0).one('bsTransitionEnd', t.proxy(n, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION) : } } }, e.prototype.toggle = function() { this[this.t$.hasClass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show']() }, e.prototype.getParent = function() { return t(this.options.parent).find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]').each(t.proxy(function(e, i) { var n = t(i); this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(o(n), n) }, this)).end() }, e.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function(t, e) { var i = t.hasClass('in'); t.attr('aria-expanded', i), e.toggleClass('collapsed', !i).attr('aria-expanded', i) }; var n = t.fn.collapse; t.fn.collapse = i, t.fn.collapse.Constructor = e, t.fn.collapse.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.collapse = n, this }, t(document).on('', '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function(e) { var n = t(this); n.attr('data-target') || e.preventDefault(); var s = o(n), r ='bs.collapse'), a = r ? 'toggle' :;, a) }) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function n(e) { var i = e.attr('data-target'); i || (i = e.attr('href'), i = i && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(i) && i.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '')); var o = i && t(i); return o && o.length ? o : e.parent() }; function o(e) { e && 3 === e.which || (t(a).remove(), t(i).each(function() { var s = t(this), i = n(s), o = { relatedTarget: this }; i.hasClass('open') && (e && 'click' == e.type && /input|textarea/i.test( && t.contains(i[0], || (i.trigger(e = t.Event('', o)), e.isDefaultPrevented() || (s.attr('aria-expanded', 'false'), i.removeClass('open').trigger(t.Event('', o))))) })) }; function s(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.dropdown'); o ||'bs.dropdown', o = new e(this)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i].call(n) }) }; var a = '.dropdown-backdrop', i = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]', e = function(e) { t(e).on('', this.toggle) }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.prototype.toggle = function(e) { var s = t(this); if (!'.disabled, :disabled')) { var i = n(s), a = i.hasClass('open'); if (o(), !a) { 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && !i.closest('.navbar-nav').length && t(document.createElement('div')).addClass('dropdown-backdrop').insertAfter(t(this)).on('click', o); var r = { relatedTarget: this }; if (i.trigger(e = t.Event('', r)), e.isDefaultPrevented()) return; s.trigger('focus').attr('aria-expanded', 'true'), i.toggleClass('open').trigger(t.Event('', r)) }; return !1 } }, e.prototype.keydown = function(e) { if (/(38|40|27|32)/.test(e.which) && !/input|textarea/i.test( { var r = t(this); if (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), !'.disabled, :disabled')) { var a = n(r), l = a.hasClass('open'); if (!l && 27 != e.which || l && 27 == e.which) return 27 == e.which && a.find(i).trigger('focus'), r.trigger('click'); var d = ' li:not(.disabled):visible a', s = a.find('.dropdown-menu' + d); if (s.length) { var o = s.index(; 38 == e.which && o > 0 && o--, 40 == e.which && o < s.length - 1 && o++, ~o || (o = 0), s.eq(o).trigger('focus') } } } }; var r = t.fn.dropdown; t.fn.dropdown = s, t.fn.dropdown.Constructor = e, t.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.dropdown = r, this }, t(document).on('', o).on('', '.dropdown form', function(t) { t.stopPropagation() }).on('', i, e.prototype.toggle).on('', i, e.prototype.keydown).on('', '.dropdown-menu', e.prototype.keydown) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function i(i, o) { return this.each(function() { var s = t(this), n ='bs.modal'), r = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS,, 'object' == typeof i && i); n ||'bs.modal', n = new e(this, r)), 'string' == typeof i ? n[i](o) : && }) }; var e = function(e, i) { this.options = i, this.l$ = t(document.body), this.t$ = t(e), this.O$ = this.t$.find('.modal-dialog'), this.d$ = null, this.isShown = null, this.originalBodyPad = null, this.scrollbarWidth = 0, this.ignoreBackdropClick = !1, this.options.remote && this.t$.find('.modal-content').load(this.options.remote, t.proxy(function() { this.t$.trigger('') }, this)) }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.TRANSITION_DURATION = 300, e.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, e.DEFAULTS = { backdrop: !0, keyboard: !0, show: !0 }, e.prototype.toggle = function(t) { return this.isShown ? this.hide() : }, = function(i) { var o = this, n = t.Event('', { relatedTarget: i }); this.t$.trigger(n), this.isShown || n.isDefaultPrevented() || (this.isShown = !0, this.checkScrollbar(), this.setScrollbar(), this.l$.addClass('modal-open'), this.escape(), this.resize(), this.t$.on('', '[data-dismiss="modal"]', t.proxy(this.hide, this)), this.O$.on('', function() { o.t$.one('', function(e) { t($) && (o.ignoreBackdropClick = !0) }) }), this.backdrop(function() { var n = && o.t$.hasClass('fade'); o.t$.parent().length || o.t$.appendTo(o.l$), o.t$.show().scrollTop(0), o.adjustDialog(), n && o.t$[0].offsetWidth, o.t$.addClass('in'), o.enforceFocus(); var s = t.Event('', { relatedTarget: i }); n ? o.O$.one('bsTransitionEnd', function() { o.t$.trigger('focus').trigger(s) }).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION) : o.t$.trigger('focus').trigger(s) })) }, e.prototype.hide = function(i) { i && i.preventDefault(), i = t.Event(''), this.t$.trigger(i), this.isShown && !i.isDefaultPrevented() && (this.isShown = !1, this.escape(), this.resize(), t(document).off(''), this.t$.removeClass('in').off('').off(''), this.O$.off(''), && this.t$.hasClass('fade') ? this.t$.one('bsTransitionEnd', t.proxy(this.hideModal, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION) : this.hideModal()) }, e.prototype.enforceFocus = function() { t(document).off('').on('', t.proxy(function(t) { document === || this.t$[0] === || this.t$.has( || this.t$.trigger('focus') }, this)) }, e.prototype.escape = function() { this.isShown && this.options.keyboard ? this.t$.on('', t.proxy(function(t) { 27 == t.which && this.hide() }, this)) : this.isShown || this.t$.off('') }, e.prototype.resize = function() { this.isShown ? t(window).on('', t.proxy(this.handleUpdate, this)) : t(window).off('') }, e.prototype.hideModal = function() { var t = this; this.t$.hide(), this.backdrop(function() { t.l$.removeClass('modal-open'), t.resetAdjustments(), t.resetScrollbar(), t.t$.trigger('') }) }, e.prototype.removeBackdrop = function() { this.d$ && this.d$.remove(), this.d$ = null }, e.prototype.backdrop = function(i) { var r = this, o = this.t$.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : ''; if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) { var n = && o; if (this.d$ = t(document.createElement('div')).addClass('modal-backdrop ' + o).appendTo(this.l$), this.t$.on('', t.proxy(function(t) { return this.ignoreBackdropClick ? void(this.ignoreBackdropClick = !1) : void( === t.currentTarget && ('static' == this.options.backdrop ? this.t$[0].focus() : this.hide())) }, this)), n && this.d$[0].offsetWidth, this.d$.addClass('in'), !i) return; n ? this.d$.one('bsTransitionEnd', i).emulateTransitionEnd(e.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) : i() } else if (!this.isShown && this.d$) { this.d$.removeClass('in'); var s = function() { r.removeBackdrop(), i && i() }; && this.t$.hasClass('fade') ? this.d$.one('bsTransitionEnd', s).emulateTransitionEnd(e.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) : s() } else i && i() }, e.prototype.handleUpdate = function() { this.adjustDialog() }, e.prototype.adjustDialog = function() { var t = this.t$[0].scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight; this.t$.css({ paddingLeft: !this.bodyIsOverflowing && t ? this.scrollbarWidth : '', paddingRight: this.bodyIsOverflowing && !t ? this.scrollbarWidth : '' }) }, e.prototype.resetAdjustments = function() { this.t$.css({ paddingLeft: '', paddingRight: '' }) }, e.prototype.checkScrollbar = function() { var t = window.innerWidth; if (!t) { var e = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); t = e.right - Math.abs(e.left) }; this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.clientWidth < t, this.scrollbarWidth = this.measureScrollbar() }, e.prototype.setScrollbar = function() { var t = parseInt(this.l$.css('padding-right') || 0, 10); this.originalBodyPad = || '', this.bodyIsOverflowing && this.l$.css('padding-right', t + this.scrollbarWidth) }, e.prototype.resetScrollbar = function() { this.l$.css('padding-right', this.originalBodyPad) }, e.prototype.measureScrollbar = function() { var t = document.createElement('div'); t.className = 'modal-scrollbar-measure', this.l$.append(t); var e = t.offsetWidth - t.clientWidth; return this.l$[0].removeChild(t), e }; var o = t.fn.modal; t.fn.modal = i, t.fn.modal.Constructor = e, t.fn.modal.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.modal = o, this }, t(document).on('', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function(e) { var o = t(this), s = o.attr('href'), n = t(o.attr('data-target') || s && s.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')), r ='bs.modal') ? 'toggle' : t.extend({ remote: !/#/.test(s) && s },,;'a') && e.preventDefault(),'', function(t) { t.isDefaultPrevented() ||'', function() {':visible') && o.trigger('focus') }) }),, r, this) }) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function i(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.tooltip'), s = 'object' == typeof i && i; !o && /destroy|hide/.test(i) || (o ||'bs.tooltip', o = new e(this, s)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i]()) }) }; var e = function(t, e) { this.type = null, this.options = null, this.enabled = null, this.timeout = null, this.hoverState = null, this.t$ = null, this.inState = null, this.init('tooltip', t, e) }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, e.DEFAULTS = { animation: !0, placement: 'top', selector: !1, template: '', trigger: 'hover focus', title: '', delay: 0, html: !1, container: !1, viewport: { selector: 'body', padding: 0 } }, e.prototype.init = function(e, i, o) { if (this.enabled = !0, this.type = e, this.t$ = t(i), this.options = this.getOptions(o), this.y$ = this.options.viewport && t(t.isFunction(this.options.viewport) ?, this.t$) : this.options.viewport.selector || this.options.viewport), this.inState = { click: !1, hover: !1, focus: !1 }, this.t$[0] instanceof document.constructor && !this.options.selector) throw new Error('`selector` option must be specified when initializing ' + this.type + ' on the window.document object!'); for (var r = this.options.trigger.split(' '), s = r.length; s--;) { var n = r[s]; if ('click' == n) this.t$.on('click.' + this.type, this.options.selector, t.proxy(this.toggle, this)); else if ('manual' != n) { var a = 'hover' == n ? 'mouseenter' : 'focusin', l = 'hover' == n ? 'mouseleave' : 'focusout'; this.t$.on(a + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, t.proxy(this.enter, this)), this.t$.on(l + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, t.proxy(this.leave, this)) } }; this.options.selector ? this.Y$ = t.extend({}, this.options, { trigger: 'manual', selector: '' }) : this.fixTitle() }, e.prototype.getDefaults = function() { return e.DEFAULTS }, e.prototype.getOptions = function(e) { return e = t.extend({}, this.getDefaults(), this.t$.data(), e), e.delay && 'number' == typeof e.delay && (e.delay = { show: e.delay, hide: e.delay }), e }, e.prototype.getDelegateOptions = function() { var e = {}, i = this.getDefaults(); return this.Y$ && t.each(this.Y$, function(t, o) { i[t] != o && (e[t] = o) }), e }, e.prototype.enter = function(e) { var i = e instanceof this.constructor ? e : t(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type); return i || (i = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions()), t(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, i)), e instanceof t.Event && (i.inState['focusin' == e.type ? 'focus' : 'hover'] = !0), i.tip().hasClass('in') || 'in' == i.hoverState ? void(i.hoverState = 'in') : (clearTimeout(i.timeout), i.hoverState = 'in', i.options.delay && ? void(i.timeout = setTimeout(function() { 'in' == i.hoverState && }, : }, e.prototype.isInStateTrue = function() { for (var t in this.inState) if (this.inState[t]) return !0; return !1 }, e.prototype.leave = function(e) { var i = e instanceof this.constructor ? e : t(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type); if (i || (i = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions()), t(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, i)), e instanceof t.Event && (i.inState['focusout' == e.type ? 'focus' : 'hover'] = !1), !i.isInStateTrue()) return clearTimeout(i.timeout), i.hoverState = 'out', i.options.delay && i.options.delay.hide ? void(i.timeout = setTimeout(function() { 'out' == i.hoverState && i.hide() }, i.options.delay.hide)) : i.hide() }, = function() { var d = t.Event('' + this.type); if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) { this.t$.trigger(d); var m = t.contains(this.t$[0].ownerDocument.documentElement, this.t$[0]); if (d.isDefaultPrevented() || !m) return; var n = this, o = this.tip(), c = this.getUID(this.type); this.setContent(), o.attr('id', c), this.t$.attr('aria-describedby', c), this.options.animation && o.addClass('fade'); var i = 'function' == typeof this.options.placement ?, o[0], this.t$[0]) : this.options.placement, f = /\s?auto?\s?/i, p = f.test(i); p && (i = i.replace(f, '') || 'top'), o.detach().css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' }).addClass(i).data('bs.' + this.type, this), this.options.container ? o.appendTo(this.options.container) : o.insertAfter(this.t$), this.t$.trigger('' + this.type); var s = this.getPosition(), l = o[0].offsetWidth, a = o[0].offsetHeight; if (p) { var h = i, r = this.getPosition(this.y$); i = 'bottom' == i && s.bottom + a > r.bottom ? 'top' : 'top' == i && - a < ? 'bottom' : 'right' == i && s.right + l > r.width ? 'left' : 'left' == i && s.left - l < r.left ? 'right' : i, o.removeClass(h).addClass(i) }; var g = this.getCalculatedOffset(i, s, l, a); this.applyPlacement(g, i); var u = function() { var t = n.hoverState; n.t$.trigger('' + n.type), n.hoverState = null, 'out' == t && n.leave(n) }; && this.f$.hasClass('fade') ?'bsTransitionEnd', u).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION) : u() } }, e.prototype.applyPlacement = function(e, i) { var o = this.tip(), f = o[0].offsetWidth, d = o[0].offsetHeight, r = parseInt(o.css('margin-top'), 10), l = parseInt(o.css('margin-left'), 10); isNaN(r) && (r = 0), isNaN(l) && (l = 0), += r, e.left += l, t.offset.setOffset(o[0], t.extend({ using: function(t) { o.css({ top: Math.round(, left: Math.round(t.left) }) } }, e), 0), o.addClass('in'); var c = o[0].offsetWidth, s = o[0].offsetHeight; 'top' == i && s != d && ( = + d - s); var n = this.getViewportAdjustedDelta(i, e, c, s); n.left ? e.left += n.left : +=; var a = /top|bottom/.test(i), u = a ? 2 * n.left - f + c : 2 * - d + s, p = a ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'; o.offset(e), this.replaceArrow(u, o[0][p], a) }, e.prototype.replaceArrow = function(t, e, i) { this.arrow().css(i ? 'left' : 'top', 50 * (1 - t / e) + '%').css(i ? 'top' : 'left', '') }, e.prototype.setContent = function() { var t = this.tip(), e = this.getTitle(); t.find('.tooltip-inner')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](e), t.removeClass('fade in top bottom left right') }, e.prototype.hide = function(i) { function s() { 'in' != n.hoverState && o.detach(), n.t$ && n.t$.removeAttr('aria-describedby').trigger('' + n.type), i && i() }; var n = this, o = t(this.f$), r = t.Event('' + this.type); if (this.t$.trigger(r), !r.isDefaultPrevented()) return o.removeClass('in'), && o.hasClass('fade') ?'bsTransitionEnd', s).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION) : s(), this.hoverState = null, this }, e.prototype.fixTitle = function() { var t = this.t$; (t.attr('title') || 'string' != typeof t.attr('data-original-title')) && t.attr('data-original-title', t.attr('title') || '').attr('title', '') }, e.prototype.hasContent = function() { return this.getTitle() }, e.prototype.getPosition = function(e) { e = e || this.t$; var o = e[0], n = 'BODY' == o.tagName, i = o.getBoundingClientRect(); null == i.width && (i = t.extend({}, i, { width: i.right - i.left, height: i.bottom - })); var r = window.SVGElement && o instanceof window.SVGElement, a = n ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : r ? null : e.offset(), s = { scroll: n ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : e.scrollTop() }, l = n ? { width: t(window).width(), height: t(window).height() } : null; return t.extend({}, i, s, l, a) }, e.prototype.getCalculatedOffset = function(t, e, i, o) { return 'bottom' == t ? { top: + e.height, left: e.left + e.width / 2 - i / 2 } : 'top' == t ? { top: - o, left: e.left + e.width / 2 - i / 2 } : 'left' == t ? { top: + e.height / 2 - o / 2, left: e.left - i } : { top: + e.height / 2 - o / 2, left: e.left + e.width } }, e.prototype.getViewportAdjustedDelta = function(t, e, i, o) { var s = { top: 0, left: 0 }; if (!this.y$) return s; var r = this.options.viewport && this.options.viewport.padding || 0, n = this.getPosition(this.y$); if (/right|left/.test(t)) { var d = - r - n.scroll, c = + r - n.scroll + o; d < ? = - d : c > + n.height && ( = + n.height - c) } else { var l = e.left - r, a = e.left + r + i; l < n.left ? s.left = n.left - l : a > n.right && (s.left = n.left + n.width - a) }; return s }, e.prototype.getTitle = function() { var i, e = this.t$, t = this.options; return i = e.attr('data-original-title') || ('function' == typeof t.title ?[0]) : t.title) }, e.prototype.getUID = function(t) { do t += ~~(1e6 * Math.random()); while (document.getElementById(t)); return t }, e.prototype.tip = function() { if (!this.f$ && (this.f$ = t(this.options.template), 1 != this.f$.length)) throw new Error(this.type + ' `template` option must consist of exactly 1 top-level element!'); return this.f$ }, e.prototype.arrow = function() { return this.w$ = this.w$ || this.tip().find('.tooltip-arrow') }, e.prototype.enable = function() { this.enabled = !0 }, e.prototype.disable = function() { this.enabled = !1 }, e.prototype.toggleEnabled = function() { this.enabled = !this.enabled }, e.prototype.toggle = function(e) { var i = this; e && (i = t(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type), i || (i = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions()), t(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, i))), e ? ( = !, i.isInStateTrue() ? i.enter(i) : i.leave(i)) : i.tip().hasClass('in') ? i.leave(i) : i.enter(i) }, e.prototype.destroy = function() { var t = this; clearTimeout(this.timeout), this.hide(function() { t.t$.off('.' + t.type).removeData('bs.' + t.type), t.f$ && t.f$.detach(), t.f$ = null, t.w$ = null, t.y$ = null, t.t$ = null }) }; var o = t.fn.tooltip; t.fn.tooltip = i, t.fn.tooltip.Constructor = e, t.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.tooltip = o, this } }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function i(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.popover'), s = 'object' == typeof i && i; !o && /destroy|hide/.test(i) || (o ||'bs.popover', o = new e(this, s)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i]()) }) }; var e = function(t, e) { this.init('popover', t, e) }; if (!t.fn.tooltip) throw new Error('Popover requires tooltip.js'); e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.DEFAULTS = t.extend({}, t.fn.tooltip.Constructor.DEFAULTS, { placement: 'right', trigger: 'click', content: '', template: '' }), e.prototype = t.extend({}, t.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype), e.prototype.constructor = e, e.prototype.getDefaults = function() { return e.DEFAULTS }, e.prototype.setContent = function() { var t = this.tip(), i = this.getTitle(), e = this.getContent(); t.find('.popover-title')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](i), t.find('.popover-content').children().detach().end()[this.options.html ? 'string' == typeof e ? 'html' : 'append' : 'text'](e), t.removeClass('fade top bottom left right in'), t.find('.popover-title').html() || t.find('.popover-title').hide() }, e.prototype.hasContent = function() { return this.getTitle() || this.getContent() }, e.prototype.getContent = function() { var e = this.t$, t = this.options; return e.attr('data-content') || ('function' == typeof t.content ?[0]) : t.content) }, e.prototype.arrow = function() { return this.w$ = this.w$ || this.tip().find('.arrow') }; var o = t.fn.popover; t.fn.popover = i, t.fn.popover.Constructor = e, t.fn.popover.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.popover = o, this } }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function e(i, o) { this.l$ = t(document.body), this.m$ = t(t(i).is(document.body) ? window : i), this.options = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS, o), this.selector = ( || '') + ' .nav li > a', this.offsets = [], this.targets = [], this.activeTarget = null, this.scrollHeight = 0, this.m$.on('', t.proxy(this.process, this)), this.refresh(), this.process() }; function i(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.scrollspy'), s = 'object' == typeof i && i; o ||'bs.scrollspy', o = new e(this, s)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i]() }) }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.DEFAULTS = { offset: 10 }, e.prototype.getScrollHeight = function() { return this.m$[0].scrollHeight || Math.max(this.l$[0].scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight) }, e.prototype.refresh = function() { var o = this, i = 'offset', e = 0; this.offsets = [], this.targets = [], this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight(), t.isWindow(this.m$[0]) || (i = 'position', e = this.m$.scrollTop()), this.l$.find(this.selector).map(function() { var s = t(this), n ='target') || s.attr('href'), o = /^#./.test(n) && t(n); return o && o.length &&':visible') && [ [o[i]().top + e, n] ] || null }).sort(function(t, e) { return t[0] - e[0] }).each(function() { o.offsets.push(this[0]), o.targets.push(this[1]) }) }, e.prototype.process = function() { var t, i = this.m$.scrollTop() + this.options.offset, s = this.getScrollHeight(), r = this.options.offset + s - this.m$.height(), e = this.offsets, o = this.targets, n = this.activeTarget; if (this.scrollHeight != s && this.refresh(), i >= r) return n != (t = o[o.length - 1]) && this.activate(t); if (n && i < e[0]) return this.activeTarget = null, this.clear(); for (t = e.length; t--;) n != o[t] && i >= e[t] && (void 0 === e[t + 1] || i < e[t + 1]) && this.activate(o[t]) }, e.prototype.activate = function(e) { this.activeTarget = e, this.clear(); var o = this.selector + '[data-target="' + e + '"],' + this.selector + '[href="' + e + '"]', i = t(o).parents('li').addClass('active'); i.parent('.dropdown-menu').length && (i = i.closest('li.dropdown').addClass('active')), i.trigger('') }, e.prototype.clear = function() { t(this.selector).parentsUntil(, '.active').removeClass('active') }; var o = t.fn.scrollspy; t.fn.scrollspy = i, t.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = e, t.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.scrollspy = o, this }, t(window).on('', function() { t('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function() { var e = t(this);, }) }) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function o(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o =''); o ||'', o = new e(this)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i]() }) }; var e = function(e) { this.element = t(e) }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, = function() { var e = this.element, n = e.closest('ul:not(.dropdown-menu)'), i ='target'); if (i || (i = e.attr('href'), i = i && i.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '')), !e.parent('li').hasClass('active')) { var o = n.find('.active:last a'), r = t.Event('', { relatedTarget: e[0] }), s = t.Event('', { relatedTarget: o[0] }); if (o.trigger(r), e.trigger(s), !s.isDefaultPrevented() && !r.isDefaultPrevented()) { var a = t(i); this.activate(e.closest('li'), n), this.activate(a, a.parent(), function() { o.trigger({ type: '', relatedTarget: e[0] }), e.trigger({ type: '', relatedTarget: o[0] }) }) } } }, e.prototype.activate = function(i, o, n) { function r() { s.removeClass('active').find('> .dropdown-menu > .active').removeClass('active').end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr('aria-expanded', !1), i.addClass('active').find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr('aria-expanded', !0), a ? (i[0].offsetWidth, i.addClass('in')) : i.removeClass('fade'), i.parent('.dropdown-menu').length && i.closest('li.dropdown').addClass('active').end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr('aria-expanded', !0), n && n() }; var s = o.find('> .active'), a = n && && (s.length && s.hasClass('fade') || !!o.find('> .fade').length); s.length && a ?'bsTransitionEnd', r).emulateTransitionEnd(e.TRANSITION_DURATION) : r(), s.removeClass('in') }; var n =; = o, = e, = function() { return = n, this }; var i = function(e) { e.preventDefault(),, 'show') }; t(document).on('', '[data-toggle="tab"]', i).on('', '[data-toggle="pill"]', i) }(jQuery), + function(t) { 'use strict'; function i(i) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o ='bs.affix'), s = 'object' == typeof i && i; o ||'bs.affix', o = new e(this, s)), 'string' == typeof i && o[i]() }) }; var e = function(i, o) { this.options = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS, o), this.k$ = t('', t.proxy(this.checkPosition, this)).on('', t.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this)), this.t$ = t(i), this.affixed = null, this.unpin = null, this.pinnedOffset = null, this.checkPosition() }; e.VERSION = '3.3.7', e.RESET = 'affix affix-top affix-bottom', e.DEFAULTS = { offset: 0, target: window }, e.prototype.getState = function(t, e, i, o) { var n = this.k$.scrollTop(), s = this.t$.offset(), r = this.k$.height(); if (null != i && 'top' == this.affixed) return n < i && 'top'; if ('bottom' == this.affixed) return null != i ? !(n + this.unpin <= && 'bottom' : !(n + r <= t - o) && 'bottom'; var a = null == this.affixed, l = a ? n :, d = a ? r : e; return null != i && n <= i ? 'top' : null != o && l + d >= t - o && 'bottom' }, e.prototype.getPinnedOffset = function() { if (this.pinnedOffset) return this.pinnedOffset; this.t$.removeClass(e.RESET).addClass('affix'); var i = this.k$.scrollTop(), t = this.t$.offset(); return this.pinnedOffset = - i }, e.prototype.checkPositionWithEventLoop = function() { setTimeout(t.proxy(this.checkPosition, this), 1) }, e.prototype.checkPosition = function() { if (this.t$.is(':visible')) { var l = this.t$.height(), i = this.options.offset, s =, n = i.bottom, a = Math.max(t(document).height(), t(document.body).height()); 'object' != typeof i && (n = s = i), 'function' == typeof s && (s =$)), 'function' == typeof n && (n = i.bottom(this.t$)); var o = this.getState(a, l, s, n); if (this.affixed != o) { null != this.unpin && this.t$.css('top', ''); var r = 'affix' + (o ? '-' + o : ''), d = t.Event(r + '.bs.affix'); if (this.t$.trigger(d), d.isDefaultPrevented()) return; this.affixed = o, this.unpin = 'bottom' == o ? this.getPinnedOffset() : null, this.t$.removeClass(e.RESET).addClass(r).trigger(r.replace('affix', 'affixed') + '.bs.affix') }; 'bottom' == o && this.t$.offset({ top: a - l - n }) } }; var o = t.fn.affix; t.fn.affix = i, t.fn.affix.Constructor = e, t.fn.affix.noConflict = function() { return t.fn.affix = o, this }, t(window).on('load', function() { t('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function() { var o = t(this), e =; e.offset = e.offset || {}, null != e.offsetBottom && (e.offset.bottom = e.offsetBottom), null != e.offsetTop && ( = e.offsetTop),, e) }) }) }(jQuery); ! function(t, e) { "use strict"; function r(r, a, i, l, u) { function f() { L = t.devicePixelRatio > 1, c(i), a.delay >= 0 && setTimeout(function() { s(!0) }, a.delay), (a.delay < 0 || a.combined) && (l.e = v(a.throttle, function(t) { "resize" === t.type && (w = B = -1), s(t.all) }), l.a = function(t) { c(t), i.push.apply(i, t) }, l.g = function() { return i = n(i).filter(function() { return !n(this).data(a.loadedName) }) }, l.f = function(t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var r = i.filter(function() { return this === t[e] }); r.length && s(!1, r) } }, s(), n(a.appendScroll).on("scroll." + u + " resize." + u, l.e)) } function c(t) { var i = a.defaultImage, o = a.placeholder, l = a.imageBase, u = a.srcsetAttribute, f = a.loaderAttribute, c = a._f || {}; t = n(t).filter(function() { var t = n(this), r = m(this); return ! && (t.attr(a.attribute) || t.attr(u) || t.attr(f) || c[r] !== e) }).data("plugin_" +, r); for (var s = 0, d = t.length; s < d; s++) { var A = n(t[s]), g = m(t[s]), h = A.attr(a.imageBaseAttribute) || l; g === N && h && A.attr(u) && A.attr(u, b(A.attr(u), h)), c[g] === e || A.attr(f) || A.attr(f, c[g]), g === N && i && !A.attr(E) ? A.attr(E, i) : g === N || !o || A.css(O) && "none" !== A.css(O) || A.css(O, "url('" + o + "')") } } function s(t, e) { if (!i.length) return void(a.autoDestroy && r.destroy()); for (var o = e || i, l = !1, u = a.imageBase || "", f = a.srcsetAttribute, c = a.handledName, s = 0; s < o.length; s++) if (t || e || A(o[s])) { var g = n(o[s]), h = m(o[s]), b = g.attr(a.attribute), v = g.attr(a.imageBaseAttribute) || u, p = g.attr(a.loaderAttribute); || a.visibleOnly && !":visible") || !((b || g.attr(f)) && (h === N && (v + b !== g.attr(E) || g.attr(f) !== g.attr(F)) || h !== N && v + b !== g.css(O)) || p) || (l = !0,, !0), d(g, h, v, p)) } l && (i = n(i).filter(function() { return !n(this).data(c) })) } function d(t, e, r, i) { ++z; var o = function() { y("onError", t), p(), o = n.noop }; y("beforeLoad", t); var l = a.attribute, u = a.srcsetAttribute, f = a.sizesAttribute, c = a.retinaAttribute, s = a.removeAttribute, d = a.loadedName, A = t.attr(c); if (i) { var g = function() { s && t.removeAttr(a.loaderAttribute),, !0), y(T, t), setTimeout(p, 1), g = n.noop };, o).one(D, g), y(i, t, function(e) { e ? (, g()) : (, o()) }) || t.trigger(I) } else { var h = n(new Image);, o).one(D, function() { t.hide(), e === N ? t.attr(C, h.attr(C)).attr(F, h.attr(F)).attr(E, h.attr(E)) : t.css(O, "url('" + h.attr(E) + "')"), t[a.effect](a.effectTime), s && (t.removeAttr(l + " " + u + " " + c + " " + a.imageBaseAttribute), f !== C && t.removeAttr(f)),, !0), y(T, t), h.remove(), p() }); var m = (L && A ? A : t.attr(l)) || ""; h.attr(C, t.attr(f)).attr(F, t.attr(u)).attr(E, m ? r + m : null), h.complete && h.trigger(D) } } function A(t) { var e = t.getBoundingClientRect(), r = a.scrollDirection, n = a.threshold, i = h() + n > && -n < e.bottom, o = g() + n > e.left && -n < e.right; return "vertical" === r ? i : "horizontal" === r ? o : i && o } function g() { return w >= 0 ? w : w = n(t).width() } function h() { return B >= 0 ? B : B = n(t).height() } function m(t) { return t.tagName.toLowerCase() } function b(t, e) { if (e) { var r = t.split(","); t = ""; for (var a = 0, n = r.length; a < n; a++) t += e + r[a].trim() + (a !== n - 1 ? "," : "") } return t } function v(t, e) { var n, i = 0; return function(o, l) { function u() { i = +new Date,, o) } var f = +new Date - i; n && clearTimeout(n), f > t || !a.enableThrottle || l ? u() : n = setTimeout(u, t - f) } } function p() { --z, i.length || z || y("onFinishedAll") } function y(t, e, n) { return !!(t = a[t]) && (t.apply(r, [], 1)), !0) } var z = 0, w = -1, B = -1, L = !1, T = "afterLoad", D = "load", I = "error", N = "img", E = "src", F = "srcset", C = "sizes", O = "background-image"; "event" === a.bind || o ? f() : n(t).on(D + "." + u, f) } function a(a, o) { var l = this, u = n.extend({}, l.config, o), f = {}, c = + "-" + ++i; return l.config = function(t, r) { return r === e ? u[t] : (u[t] = r, l) }, l.addItems = function(t) { return f.a && f.a("string" === n.type(t) ? n(t) : t), l }, l.getItems = function() { return f.g ? f.g() : {} }, l.update = function(t) { return f.e && f.e({}, !t), l }, l.force = function(t) { return f.f && f.f("string" === n.type(t) ? n(t) : t), l }, l.loadAll = function() { return f.e && f.e({ all: !0 }, !0), l }, l.destroy = function() { return n(u.appendScroll).off("." + c, f.e), n(t).off("." + c), f = {}, e }, r(l, u, a, f, c), u.chainable ? a : l } var n = t.jQuery || t.Zepto, i = 0, o = !1; n.fn.Lazy = n.fn.lazy = function(t) { return new a(this, t) }, n.Lazy = n.lazy = function(t, r, i) { if (n.isFunction(r) && (i = r, r = []), n.isFunction(i)) { t = n.isArray(t) ? t : [t], r = n.isArray(r) ? r : [r]; for (var o = a.prototype.config, l = o._f || (o._f = {}), u = 0, f = t.length; u < f; u++)(o[t[u]] === e || n.isFunction(o[t[u]])) && (o[t[u]] = i); for (var c = 0, s = r.length; c < s; c++) l[r[c]] = t[0] } }, a.prototype.config = { name: "lazy", chainable: !0, autoDestroy: !0, bind: "load", threshold: 500, visibleOnly: !1, appendScroll: t, scrollDirection: "both", imageBase: null, defaultImage: "", placeholder: null, delay: -1, combined: !1, attribute: "data-src", srcsetAttribute: "data-srcset", sizesAttribute: "data-sizes", retinaAttribute: "data-retina", loaderAttribute: "data-loader", imageBaseAttribute: "data-imagebase", removeAttribute: !0, handledName: "handled", loadedName: "loaded", effect: "show", effectTime: 0, enableThrottle: !0, throttle: 250, beforeLoad: e, afterLoad: e, onError: e, onFinishedAll: e }, n(t).on("load", function() { o = !0 }) }(window); ! function(t) { t.lazy(["frame", "iframe"], "iframe", function(r, e) { var a = this; if ("iframe" === r[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) { var i = "data-src", o = "data-error-detect", n = r.attr(o); "true" !== n && "1" !== n ? (r.attr("src", r.attr(i)), a.config("removeAttribute") && r.removeAttr(i + " " + o)) : t.ajax({ url: r.attr(i), dataType: "html", crossDomain: !0, xhrFields: { withCredentials: !0 }, success: function(t) { r.html(t).attr("src", r.attr(i)), a.config("removeAttribute") && r.removeAttr(i + " " + o) }, error: function() { e(!1) } }) } else e(!1) }) }(window.jQuery || window.Zepto); ! function(i) { "use strict"; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], i) : "undefined" != typeof exports ? module.exports = i(require("jquery")) : i(jQuery) }(function(i) { "use strict"; var e = window.Slick || {}; (e = function() { var e = 0; return function(t, o) { var s, n = this; n.defaults = { accessibility: !0, adaptiveHeight: !1, appendArrows: i(t), appendDots: i(t), arrows: !0, asNavFor: null, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', autoplay: !1, autoplaySpeed: 3e3, centerMode: !1, centerPadding: "50px", cssEase: "ease", customPaging: function(e, t) { return i('', tClose: 'Close (Esc)', tLoading: 'Loading...', autoFocusLast: !0 } }, t.fn.magnificPopup = function(i) { P(); var o = t(this); if ('string' == typeof i) if ('open' === i) { var n, s = E ?'magnificPopup') : o[0].magnificPopup, r = parseInt(arguments[1], 10) || 0; s.items ? n = s.items[r] : (n = o, s.delegate && (n = n.find(s.delegate)), n = n.eq(r)), e.z$({ mfpEl: n }, o, s) } else e.isOpen && e[i].apply(e,, 1)); else i = t.extend(!0, {}, i), E ?'magnificPopup', i) : o[0].magnificPopup = i, e.addGroup(o, i); return o }; var p, w, y, x = 'inline', N = function() { y && (w.after(y.addClass(p)).detach(), y = null) }; t.magnificPopup.registerModule(x, { options: { hiddenClass: 'hide', markup: '', tNotFound: 'Content not found' }, proto: { initInline: function() { e.types.push(x), o(d + '.' + x, function() { N() }) }, getInline: function(i, o) { if (N(), i.src) { var r =, n = t(i.src); if (n.length) { var s = n[0].parentNode; s && s.tagName && (w || (p = r.hiddenClass, w = u(p), p = 'mfp-' + p), y = n.after(w).detach().removeClass(p)), e.updateStatus('ready') } else e.updateStatus('error', r.tNotFound), n = t('
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( && (n = 'string' == typeof ? n.substr(n.lastIndexOf( +, n.length) :, n)), n = this.src.replace('%id%', n), !1) : void 0 }); var r = {}; return s.srcAction && (r[s.srcAction] = n), e.S$(o, r, i), e.updateStatus('ready'), o } } }); var O = function(t) { var i = e.items.length; return t > i - 1 ? t - i : 0 > t ? i + t : t }, H = function(t, e, i) { return t.replace(/%curr%/gi, e + 1).replace(/%total%/gi, i) }; t.magnificPopup.registerModule('gallery', { options: { enabled: !1, arrowMarkup: '', preload: [0, 2], navigateByImgClick: !0, arrows: !0, tPrev: 'Previous (Left arrow key)', tNext: 'Next (Right arrow key)', tCounter: '%curr% of %total%' }, proto: { initGallery: function() { var n =, i = '.mfp-gallery'; return e.direction = !0, n && n.enabled ? (l += ' mfp-gallery', o(b + i, function() { n.navigateByImgClick && e.wrap.on('click' + i, '.mfp-img', function() { return e.items.length > 1 ? (, !1) : void 0 }), s.on('keydown' + i, function(t) { 37 === t.keyCode ? e.prev() : 39 === t.keyCode && }) }), o('UpdateStatus' + i, function(t, i) { i.text && (i.text = H(i.text, e.currItem.index, e.items.length)) }), o(S + i, function(t, i, o, s) { var r = e.items.length; o.counter = r > 1 ? H(n.tCounter, s.index, r) : '' }), o('BuildControls' + i, function() { if (e.items.length > 1 && n.arrows && !e.arrowLeft) { var s = n.arrowMarkup, o = e.arrowLeft = t(s.replace(/%title%/gi, n.tPrev).replace(/%dir%/gi, 'left')).addClass(k), i = e.arrowRight = t(s.replace(/%title%/gi, n.tNext).replace(/%dir%/gi, 'right')).addClass(k); { e.prev() }), { }), e.container.append(o.add(i)) } }), o(z + i, function() { e.M$ && clearTimeout(e.M$), e.M$ = setTimeout(function() { e.preloadNearbyImages(), e.M$ = null }, 16) }), void o(d + i, function() {,'click' + i), e.arrowRight = e.arrowLeft = null })) : !1 }, next: function() { e.direction = !0, e.index = O(e.index + 1), e.updateItemHTML() }, prev: function() { e.direction = !1, e.index = O(e.index - 1), e.updateItemHTML() }, goTo: function(t) { e.direction = t >= e.index, e.index = t, e.updateItemHTML() }, preloadNearbyImages: function() { var t, o =, n = Math.min(o[0], e.items.length), i = Math.min(o[1], e.items.length); for (t = 1; t <= (e.direction ? i : n); t++) e.K$(e.index + t); for (t = 1; t <= (e.direction ? n : i); t++) e.K$(e.index - t) }, K$: function(o) { if (o = O(o), !e.items[o].preloaded) { var n = e.items[o]; n.parsed || (n = e.parseEl(o)), i('LazyLoad', n), 'image' === n.type && (n.img = t('').on('load.mfploader', function() { n.hasSize = !0 }).on('error.mfploader', function() { n.hasSize = !0, n.loadError = !0, i('LazyLoadError', n) }).attr('src', n.src)), n.preloaded = !0 } } } }); var B = 'retina'; t.magnificPopup.registerModule(B, { options: { replaceSrc: function(t) { return t.src.replace(/\.\w+$/, function(t) { return '@2x' + t }) }, ratio: 1 }, proto: { initRetina: function() { if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) { var i =, t = i.ratio; t = isNaN(t) ? t() : t, t > 1 && (o('ImageHasSize.' + B, function(e, i) { i.img.css({ 'max-width': i.img[0].naturalWidth / t, width: '100%' }) }), o('ElementParse.' + B, function(e, o) { o.src = i.replaceSrc(o, t) })) } } } }), P() }); ! function(t) { 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['jquery'], t) : 'object' == typeof exports ? module.exports = t(require('jquery')) : t(jQuery) }(function(t) { 'use strict'; function l(t, e, i) { var o; return function() { var n = this, s = arguments, a = function() { o = null, i || t.apply(n, s) }, r = i && !o; clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(a, e), r && t.apply(n, s) } }; function c(t) { var e = ++d; return String(null == t ? 'rmjs-' : t) + e }; function r(t) { var e = t.clone().css({ height: 'auto', width: t.width(), maxHeight: 'none', overflow: 'hidden' }).insertAfter(t), n = e.outerHeight(), i = parseInt(e.css({ maxHeight: '' }).css('max-height').replace(/[^-\d\.]/g, ''), 10), o ='defaultHeight'); e.remove(); var s = i ||'collapsedHeight') || o;{ expandedHeight: n, maxHeight: i, collapsedHeight: s }).css({ maxHeight: 'none' }) }; function a(t) { if (!n[t.selector]) { var e = ' '; t.embedCSS && '' !== t.blockCSS && (e += t.selector + ' + [data-readmore-toggle], ' + t.selector + '[data-readmore]{' + t.blockCSS + '}'), e += t.selector + '[data-readmore]{transition: height ' + t.speed + 'ms;overflow: hidden;}', function(t, e) { var i = t.createElement('style'); i.type = 'text/css', i.styleSheet ? i.styleSheet.cssText = e : i.appendChild(t.createTextNode(e)), t.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(i) }(document, e), n[t.selector] = !0 } }; function o(o, n) { this.element = o, this.options = t.extend({}, s, n), a(this.options),$ = s,$ = e, this.init(), window.addEventListener ? (window.addEventListener('load', i), window.addEventListener('resize', i)) : (window.attachEvent('load', i), window.attachEvent('resize', i)) }; var e = 'readmore', s = { speed: 100, collapsedHeight: 200, heightMargin: 16, moreLink: 'Read More', lessLink: 'Close', embedCSS: !0, blockCSS: 'display: block; width: 100%;', startOpen: !1, blockProcessed: function() {}, beforeToggle: function() {}, afterToggle: function() {} }, n = {}, d = 0, i = l(function() { t('[data-readmore]').each(function() { var e = t(this), i = 'true' === e.attr('aria-expanded'); r(e), e.css({ height: ? 'expandedHeight' : 'collapsedHeight') }) }) }, 100); o.prototype = { init: function() { var e = t(this.element);{ defaultHeight: this.options.collapsedHeight, heightMargin: this.options.heightMargin }), r(e); var o ='collapsedHeight'), s ='heightMargin'); if (e.outerHeight(!0) <= o + s) return this.options.blockProcessed && 'function' == typeof this.options.blockProcessed && this.options.blockProcessed(e, !1), !0; var i = e.attr('id') || c(), n = this.options.startOpen ? this.options.lessLink : this.options.moreLink; e.attr({ 'data-readmore': '', 'aria-expanded': this.options.startOpen, id: i }), e.after(t(n).on('click', function(t) { return function(i) { t.toggle(this, e[0], i) } }(this)).attr({ 'data-readmore-toggle': i, 'aria-controls': i })), this.options.startOpen || e.css({ height: o }), this.options.blockProcessed && 'function' == typeof this.options.blockProcessed && this.options.blockProcessed(e, !0) }, toggle: function(e, i, o) { o && o.preventDefault(), e || (e = t('[aria-controls="' + + '"]')[0]), i || (i = this.element); var n = t(i), a = '', r = '', s = !1, l ='collapsedHeight'); n.height() <= l ? (a ='expandedHeight') + 'px', r = 'lessLink', s = !0) : (a = l, r = 'moreLink'), this.options.beforeToggle && 'function' == typeof this.options.beforeToggle && this.options.beforeToggle(e, n, !s), n.css({ height: a }), n.on('transitionend', function(i) { return function() { i.options.afterToggle && 'function' == typeof i.options.afterToggle && i.options.afterToggle(e, n, s), t(this).attr({ 'aria-expanded': s }).off('transitionend') } }(this)), t(e).replaceWith(t(this.options[r]).on('click', function(t) { return function(e) { t.toggle(this, i, e) } }(this)).attr({ 'data-readmore-toggle': n.attr('id'), 'aria-controls': n.attr('id') })) }, destroy: function() { t(this.element).each(function() { var e = t(this); e.attr({ 'data-readmore': null, 'aria-expanded': null }).css({ maxHeight: '', height: '' }).next('[data-readmore-toggle]').remove(), e.removeData() }) } }, t.fn.readmore = function(i) { var s = arguments, n = this.selector; return i = i || {}, 'object' == typeof i ? this.each(function() { if (, 'plugin_' + e)) { var s =, 'plugin_' + e); s.destroy.apply(s) }; i.selector = n,, 'plugin_' + e, new o(this, i)) }) : 'string' == typeof i && '_' !== i[0] && 'init' !== i ? this.each(function() { var n =, 'plugin_' + e); n instanceof o && 'function' == typeof n[i] && n[i].apply(n,, 1)) }) : void 0 } }); (function(t) { t.fn.columnize = function(e) { var i = { width: 400, columns: !1, buildOnce: !1, overflow: !1, doneFunc: function() {}, target: !1, ignoreImageLoading: !0, columnFloat: 'left', lastNeverTallest: !1, accuracy: !1, manualBreaks: !1, cssClassPrefix: '' }; e = t.extend(i, e); if (typeof(e.width) == 'string') { e.width = parseInt(e.width, 10); if (isNaN(e.width)) { e.width = i.width } }; return this.each(function() { var o = ? t( : t(this), h = t(this).height(), s = t('
'), g = 0, v = !1, c = e.manualBreaks, d = i.cssClassPrefix; if (typeof(e.cssClassPrefix) == 'string') { d = e.cssClassPrefix }; var u = 0; s.append(t(this).contents().clone(!0)); if (!e.ignoreImageLoading && ! { if (!'imageLoaded')) {'imageLoaded', !0); if (t(this).find('img').length > 0) { var f = function(t, i) { return function() { if (!'firstImageLoaded')) {'firstImageLoaded', 'true'); t.empty().append(i.children().clone(!0)); t.columnize(e) } } }(t(this), s); t(this).find('img').one('load', f); t(this).find('img').one('abort', f); return } } }; o.empty(); p(); if (!e.buildOnce) { t(window).resize(function() { if (!e.buildOnce) { if ('timeout')) { clearTimeout('timeout')) };'timeout', setTimeout(p, 200)) } }) }; function n(t, e) { var i = e ? '.' : ''; if (d.length) { return i + d + '-' + t }; return i + t }; function a(i, o, s, r) { while ((c || s.height() < r) && o[0].childNodes.length) { var p = o[0].childNodes[0]; if (t(p).find(n('columnbreak', !0)).length) { return }; if (t(p).hasClass(n('columnbreak'))) { return }; i.append(p) }; if (i[0].childNodes.length === 0) return; var m = i[0].childNodes, g = m[m.length - 1]; i[0].removeChild(g); var l = t(g); if (l[0].nodeType == 3) { var a = l[0].nodeValue, u = e.width / 18; if (e.accuracy) u = e.accuracy; var h, d = null; while (s.height() < r && a.length) { var f = a.indexOf(' ', u); if (f != -1) { h = a.substring(0, a.indexOf(' ', u)) } else { h = a }; d = document.createTextNode(h); i.append(d); if (a.length > u && f != -1) { a = a.substring(f) } else { a = '' } }; if (s.height() >= r && d !== null) { i[0].removeChild(d); a = d.nodeValue + a }; if (a.length) { l[0].nodeValue = a } else { return !1 } }; if (o.contents().length) { o.prepend(l) } else { o.append(l) }; return l[0].nodeType == 3 }; function l(t, e, i, o) { if (t.contents(':last').find(n('columnbreak', !0)).length) { return }; if (t.contents(':last').hasClass(n('columnbreak'))) { return }; if (e.contents().length) { var s = e.contents(':first'); if (s.get(0).nodeType != 1) return; var r = s.clone(!0); if (s.hasClass(n('columnbreak'))) { t.append(r); s.remove() } else if (c) { t.append(r); s.remove() } else if (r.get(0).nodeType == 1 && !r.hasClass(n('dontend'))) { t.append(r); if ('img') && i.height() < o + 20) { s.remove() } else if (!s.hasClass(n('dontsplit')) && i.height() < o + 20) { s.remove() } else if ('img') || s.hasClass(n('dontsplit'))) { r.remove() } else { r.empty(); if (!a(r, s, i, o)) { s.addClass(n('split')); if (s.children().length) { l(r, s, i, o) } } else { s.addClass(n('split')) }; if (r.get(0).childNodes.length === 0) { r.remove() } } } } }; function m() { if ('columnized') && o.children().length == 1) { return };'columnized', !0);'columnizing', !0); o.empty(); o.append(t('
')); p$ = o.children().eq(o.children().length - 1); u$ = s.clone(!0); if (e.overflow) { targetHeight = e.overflow.height; a(p$, u$, p$, targetHeight); if (!u$.contents().find(':first-child').hasClass(n('dontend'))) { l(p$, u$, p$, targetHeight) } while (p$.contents(':last').length && r(p$.contents(':last').get(0))) { var u = p$.contents(':last'); u.remove(); u$.prepend(u) }; var p = '', c = document.createElement('DIV'); while (u$[0].childNodes.length > 0) { var i = u$[0].childNodes[0]; if (i.attributes) { for (var d = 0; d < i.attributes.length; d++) { if (i.attributes[d].nodeName.indexOf('jQuery') === 0) { i.removeAttribute(i.attributes[d].nodeName) } } }; c.innerHTML = ''; c.appendChild(u$[0].childNodes[0]); p += c.innerHTML }; var f = t([0]; f.innerHTML = p } else { p$.append(u$) };'columnizing', !1); if (e.overflow && e.overflow.doneFunc) { e.overflow.doneFunc() } }; function r(e) { if (e.nodeType == 3) { if (/^\s+$/.test(e.nodeValue)) { if (!e.previousSibling) return !1; return r(e.previousSibling) }; return !1 }; if (e.nodeType != 1) return !1; if (t(e).hasClass(n('dontend'))) return !0; if (e.childNodes.length === 0) return !1; return r(e.childNodes[e.childNodes.length - 1]) }; function p() { u = 0; if (g == o.width()) return; g = o.width(); var f = Math.round(o.width() / e.width), C = e.width, B = e.height; if (e.columns) f = e.columns; if (c) { f = s.find(n('columnbreak', !0)).length + 1; C = !1 }; if (f <= 1) { return m() }; if ('columnizing')) return;'columnized', !0);'columnizing', !0); o.empty(); o.append(t('
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